In a Rut? Here's How to Get Out of It. | Feat. the SS20 Syllabus
Have you been feeling drained, weighed down, unmotivated, fatigued, sensitive or overwhelmed? You are not alone.
From the anti-Blackness that has shown its face yet again with the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd to a never-ending pandemic to a full moon in Sagittarius that is forcing us to reckon with the skeletons in our closet—-it has been a hard couple of weeks.
First, let me say that I am here for you. Second, there are healthy ways to cope with how you and I have been feeling. Three, continue reading and you’ll find out exactly how.
Now, more than ever, is the time to invest in yourself. Nurturing yourself, caring for your wellbeing and being gentle with yourself and those around you is a sure way to lift your spirits and help you focus on the good even as it seems like the world around us is falling apart. Now, you may say: what if I want to focus on the bad? What if taking care of myself feels like selfishness? To this I’d respond: taking care of yourself is never selfish, because by taking care of yourself you are able to positively impact all things and people that you come into contact with. Take care of yourself, take care of the world.
And this isn’t to say that you can’t do it all. You can protest and still journal each day. You can monitor to your health and practice social distancing while still doing self-care every evening. You can still be connected to what’s going on in the world and still practice boundary-setting. So, I want to affirm how you may be feeling, but also provide you with resources that you may be looking for to heal, grow and challenge yourself this season in the same way that you’ve been challenging oppressive systems or corrupt politics.
And so, I present to you….*drumrolllllllllll*
The Spring/Summer 2020 Earth Mama Syllabus!
I’ve created this syllabus to provide you with, basically, a bite-sized resource kit. In it, you will find themes for this month to help guide your thinking, helpful books to read, podcasts to listen to, documentaries to watch, journaling prompts and more.
These past couple of weeks I’ve been feeling stuck. By focusing on my own wellbeing and how I’d like to get un-stuck, i’ve been able to reclaim some of the power that I felt I’d loss. I hope you’ll use it, and if you like it, I’ll turn it into a recurring thing.
Love you all,
Zaria xx