Providing resources and an intimate and personal community space for people to experience growth and healing so that they can live a more present, meaningful and joyful life.

Spring/Summer 2020 Syllabus

Spring/Summer 2020 Syllabus


What you get with this syllabus:

  1. Helpful resources, from books to podcasts, that will help you grapple with this seasons themes: transformation, newness and evolution.

  2. Journaling prompts to help you understand how you’ve been harboring old feelings, thoughts and emotions in your life and how to get rid of them.

  3. A manifestation checklist, to help you be clear about what you do and don’t want from this season and letting your intentions be known to the universe.

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I was inspired to create this month’s syllabus from Rachel Cargle. I love the idea of providing people with bite-sized information that they can use for their own self-benefit. This full moon in Sagittarius, and gemini season, more broadly, has me thinking about newness, evolution and transformation. I hope you’ll use this syllabus to help you usher in some newness into your own lives. By setting up intentions for your summer early on, you signal to the universe what you do and don’t want from the next couple of months. So get to it! Enjoy xx