Providing resources and an intimate and personal community space for people to experience growth and healing so that they can live a more present, meaningful and joyful life.


As I write this article: I have the worst headache, am operating three electronic devices, and can’t stop stressing about school. Which is ironic because I’m writing an article about mental health, lololol. Butt this article is going to be lit anyway.

Mental Health is very important, and is not taken as seriously as it should. Below are the three top suggestions that I’ve formulated, that I think will immediately boost anyone's mental health.

1. Get rid of anything, which isn’t helping you grow or making you happy.

Often we hold onto things that were used to, and aren’t open to change or getting out of our comfort zones. Unfortunately, most of those things were used to tend to be extremely detrimental to our mental health. Whether it’s friends, or unhealthy foods, or bad habits; these things all contribute to our happiness and our conscience. Surround yourself with things and people that make you happy, and make you want to be better and do better. And once you do get rid of these things that are creating negative energy, you will feel refreshed and a lot happier.

2. Try to do at least two productive things a day + Set Goals.

As dumb as this may seem, completing tasks always make me feel 100000x better. This doesn’t necessarily mean completing five essays in one day, or cleaning your entire house, it simply means not letting your brain turn to mush. Of course, everyone needs a chill day and time to themselves to just think and reflect; and even this is being productive. Thinking, reflecting, planning, etc. are some examples of being productive and setting goals, without going all out. At the end of the day you’ll feel better knowing that you can cross some stuff of your to-do list, or that you got some clarity on things that you’ve been stressing about.

3. Take time to get to know you.

This is actually the most cliché thing, and I feel like Oprah, but this is definitely the most important tip out of the three. Understanding who you are and knowing your selfworth are two concepts that I wished I ‘d worked on years ago. There will always be negative energy, energy that you can’t always dismiss or get rid of, but when you know whom you are they tend to not bother you as much. A lot of the negative energy that tends to clog my thoughts has to do with other people and things that are out of my control. And for a long time being insecure in my own skin, only allowed that energy to get to me and cause stress or anxiety. But when you know who you are, and the great things you’re capable of, the judgments and pessimism of other people doesn’t get to you as easily. Furthermore, when you know who you are, you don’t waste time trying to be something you’re not; and THAT is what’s amazing because nobody can touch you and you feel like Kanye, and the negative stuff just doesn’t affect you. You are living your life, and enjoying it, and you’re happy in your own skin, and that is the best mental state that any individual could ever be in