Providing resources and an intimate and personal community space for people to experience growth and healing so that they can live a more present, meaningful and joyful life.

Why earthmama?: All About My Journey w/ Trauma, Healing & Self-Love

Up until about a year ago, I was living my life at roughly 70%. Although I was alive, and there were happy moments that reminded me of this fact, there were also other times where I felt very numb, easily irritated and in a constant state of unhappiness.

To others this might have looked like me appearing standoffish, cold or short-tempered. But really, I was none of those things. No one is any of these things, because being standoffish or cold or short-tempered are not emotions, they are responses to a lack of emotion. Years later I would realize that I was standoffish or cold because I didn’t feel comfortable enough in my own skin to be who I really was. It was safer for me to not have any emotions at all, rather than to express my true emotions and have those around me confirm what I already thought about myself: that I was weird, strange, non-conventional, un-lovable.

The cause of this lack of self love would take a lot more time, and mental work, for me to understand. But, even today, I am still glad that I was courageous enough to say that I wanted a change and that I would be the one to get me there.

After about six months of doing some intensive work on myself—getting closer to my true self, healing my inner child, healing from past traumas, listening to and understanding my ego—I realized that I had developed a true passion for the spiritual journey that I was on. I realized that in the same way that I turned to tools and resources—my therapist, certain Instagram accounts, books, nature—I could also provide others who wanted to begin their own spiritual journey towards self-discovery.

If there wasn’t already a space where someone like me felt they could turn to for guidance and community and support, I wanted to create it. Anyone who is on their own spiritual journey can tell you that, while it can be a difficult and dark journey, having a community or support system makes it a little bit better.

EarthMama, as a brand, is how I decided to create that space. Through a combination of blog posts, helpful resources and the cultivation of an online community, I feel that I am creating a space that I would have loved to have last year and will continue to benefit from going forward. And I have no doubt that the people who belong to this community, will find us.

peace, love & spiritual awakening baby.

- Zaria, founder