AN ALBUM REVIEW 2.0: "Awaken, My Love!" by Childish Gambino
I've probably been in love with Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) since I was like 12. So I guess even as a youngin' I was attracted to creativity and ones ability to make me think and question everything. Any music he makes, scripts he writes, skit he does, show he produces. He. Is. Extraterrestrial. I can only dream that one day I will possess the talent that he does.
But anyway, I digress.
This post is focused on his most recent work of art. His album by the title, "Awaken, My Love!" Which, I'm sure he wasn't thinking about me when he made that title, but hey, I am awoken. This album has definitely woken me from my slumber. Ew, I'm so corny, okay into the review.
1. First Impressions
"Wow, he's done it again" - I whisper to myself, as I listen to Childish Gambino's most recent album. To be honest, the album is a work of art. It's exactly what I needed, emotionally, spiritually, mentally. The sounds are experimental, new, fresh, interesting, creative, heart-warming, and leave me breathless. Every. Time. No, I don't love every song on the album, but the songs that I do love, I love them a lot. Besides the interesting sound, another first impression is that his voice is amazing. It's so versatile, going from soft to gritty in seconds. Lastly, the album left me inspired. That is the first time that an album has had that power over me. This album has literally made me want to be more creative, spontaneous, loving, gentle. Everything. I can't tell you exactly why or how his music has done this to me. Maybe it's magic, maybe it's just the music.
2. All the Feels
Every single song hits you right in the heart, right in the soul. Gambino's music has always done that to his listeners, including myself. All technical stuff aside, this album makes you feel something. The best way I can describe it is as the following: his music makes you not care about all of the little stuff that you've been sweating. It's almost like he's saying in his music, "Hey! All that stuff you've been wasting your time caring about does't mean anything." In fact, I'm getting emotional right now, listening to his album and writing this post. The point is: his music feels relatable and warm, but still feels fresh and new. It's one. Huge. Juxtaposition.
3. The Technical Stuff
Although, Gambino has always been a soprano/tenor, this album shows his vocal abilities more than any other. Much of the songs on the album, specifically Terrified and Redbone, feature Gambino's exquisite range, which gives off a James Brown vibe. I've always known he was an amazing singer, his album "Kauai" made that clear, but "Awaken, My Love!" confirmed the fact, just in case I had any doubts (which I didn't but hey). Additionally, much of the instrumentals in the background of his songs were made using a band. That's right, actual instruments. Refreshing, isn't it? It just gives the album that groovy feel.
4. Recommendations (In no particular order)
1. Terrified
2. Redbone
3. Zombies
5. I don't have a fifth...
It's just a great album, take my word for it. Or maybe, I'm just horrible at writing reviews and that's why I can't come up with a fifth thing. Either way, please listen to the album. It's so beautiful. Go experience it.