Providing resources and an intimate and personal community space for people to experience growth and healing so that they can live a more present, meaningful and joyful life.

THANKS, HILLARY AND TRUMP: America is Still Racist and Sexist

As the election quickly comes to a close, I feel that I should probably put my two cents about it somewhere on this site. Although I'm not one to get into politics, and try to avoid watching the news (for more reasons than one) at all costs, I figured it was time that I say what many are thinking: whattttttt issss goinggggg onnnnnnnn???

It's funny; when the election first started I thought for sure that both Trump and Hillary would be out of the race immediately. Trump replaced by Cruz or Rubio or Bush or something, and Hillary replaced by the beloved Bernie. But, here we are a week away from Election Day, and the people I thought would drop like flies are the ones whose names are going to be on the ballad. Crazy.

Let me be clear: I don't like either candidate but that's not the purpose of this post. This is not a post about how Hillary Clinton doesn't like black people or how Trump hates anyone who is not white, male and rich. Instead, it's a call to attention to all the things that have been revealed about American culture/society, thanks to this election.

It's no secret that American society, or Western culture in general, sensationalizes white culture over others, but I mean geez. This election has thrived on. Just. That. Whenever Trump or Hillary speaks, they're speaking to white people. They're speaking to the white community. This means if you are Hispanic, Asian, Black, Middle-Eastern, Native American, or anything else not white, whatever policies or promises they are spurting out of their mouths is not for you or about you. Perhaps, sensationalize is not the word to use, but it just seems like both Hillary and Trump are extremely worried about preserving or reviving whatever white culture they think exists. Let's be honest, America was never great, and even if it was great it was because it was being supported and built by those who don't belong to the white community. And, we cannot be "stronger together," because this country is not built on "together." It's built on oppression, greed, superiority, and ego. Overall: This election has taught us that America truly has not changed at all. It doesn't matter if black men are killed every day, if Asians are still only associated with academics, if Hispanics are still only known for drugs, and if Native Americans aren't known at all. Thank you, Trump and Hillary, for showing the rest of the World that the country that was taken by immigrants (Native Americans were here first, in case yall forgot) has a huge xenophobic and race problem. 

Another thing this election has shown is the American perspective on feminism and gender roles. It wasn't until the early 20th century that women were given the right to vote, which means that nearly 100 years later, there are still some men and women who cannot accept that women are capable of doing exactly what a man can do. As I said before: I'm not a Hillary lover, but that doesn't mean that I think she doesn't deserve to be considered based on her talents and qualities, rather than her haircut, outfit choice, or amount of cleavage she chooses to show. It's funny, you'd think that Trump's degrading comments and actions towards women would gain more support for Hillary out of empathy, but instead it only makes Trump supporters more passionate. Why is this? Why are people attracted to men who possess such a deeply rooted inferiority complex that they have to degrade women in order to not feel worthless? What does that say about American culture? It says that men are so threatened by women that they have to continually degrade them, dehumanize and objectify them in order to keep gender roles and stereotypes in place. American society's devalue of women has become ever so evident thanks to this Presidential election. I have an idea: Let's love women and praise them, just as much as men are praised for burping or hooking up with more than one girl at a party!!!!!

As a young, black, female, I have to say that this election has reminded me of all the problems that America faces. Ironically, I almost thought that we were improving; gay marriage was legalized, a black president was elected, a woman is running for president. But then like a ton of bricks (supreme bricks), the truth was thrown at my head, I realized that America's issues are rooted in generations of prejudice and close-mindedness. Instead of complaining, I'm going to try to make this world a better place, as cliché as that sounds. I don't know how I'm going to do that yet, but when I figure it out, you'll know my guy.

In the meantime, keep checking back to this site!!! Our six-month anniversary is vastly approaching (November 31), and I have some dope stuff brewing for yall. xoxo